Uses of Interface

Packages that use Persistable
com.anasoft.os.daofusion Core DAO interfaces and abstract implementations. 
com.anasoft.os.daofusion.bitemporal Bitemporal pattern implementation that integrates with the standard persistent entity model. 
com.anasoft.os.daofusion.entity Persistent entity model as a foundation for custom domain models. 

Uses of Persistable in com.anasoft.os.daofusion

Classes in com.anasoft.os.daofusion with type parameters of type Persistable
 class AbstractHibernateEntityDao<T extends Persistable<ID>,ID extends Serializable>
          Generic persistent entity DAO implementation using JPA / Hibernate persistence APIs.
 interface PersistentEntityDao<T extends Persistable<ID>,ID extends Serializable>
          Persistent entity DAO contract containing the standard set of operations supported by any persistence provider-specific DAO implementation.

Method parameters in com.anasoft.os.daofusion with type arguments of type Persistable
protected  org.hibernate.Criteria BaseHibernateDataAccessor.getCriteria(PersistentEntityCriteria entityCriteria, java.lang.Class<? extends Persistable<? extends>> entityClass)
          Returns the Criteria instance corresponding to query constraints defined within the entityCriteria.
protected  org.hibernate.Criteria BaseHibernateDataAccessor.getHibernateCriteria(java.lang.Class<? extends Persistable<? extends>> entityClass)
          Convenience method for retrieving a new Criteria instance bound to the current Session.

Uses of Persistable in com.anasoft.os.daofusion.bitemporal

Classes in com.anasoft.os.daofusion.bitemporal that implement Persistable
 class BitemporalWrapper<V>
          Decorates a value with bitemporal information, making it possible to bitemporally track the value in a BitemporalTrace.

Uses of Persistable in com.anasoft.os.daofusion.entity

Classes in com.anasoft.os.daofusion.entity that implement Persistable
 class ImmutablePersistentEntity
          Base class for immutable persistent entities which use Long as the primary key column type.
 class MutablePersistentEntity
          Base class for mutable persistent entities which use Long as the primary key column type.
 class PersistentEntity<ID extends Serializable>
          Base class for persistent entities managed within the JPA persistence context.
 class PersistentEnumeration
          Base class for persistent enumerations managed within the JPA / Hibernate persistence context.

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