Package com.anasoft.os.daofusion

Core DAO interfaces and abstract implementations.


Interface Summary
PersistentEntityDao<T extends Persistable<ID>,ID extends Serializable> Persistent entity DAO contract containing the standard set of operations supported by any persistence provider-specific DAO implementation.
PersistentEnumerationDao<T extends PersistentEnumeration> Persistent enumeration DAO contract represents an extension of PersistentEntityDao working with PersistentEnumeration instances.

Class Summary
AbstractHibernateEntityDao<T extends Persistable<ID>,ID extends Serializable> Generic persistent entity DAO implementation using JPA / Hibernate persistence APIs.
AbstractHibernateEnumerationDao<T extends PersistentEnumeration> Generic persistent enumeration DAO implementation using JPA / Hibernate persistence APIs.
BaseHibernateDataAccessor Base class for persistent entity DAO implementations providing data access through JPA / Hibernate persistence APIs.

Package com.anasoft.os.daofusion Description

Core DAO interfaces and abstract implementations.

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